Monday, November 8, 2010

139.8 Hold to a spot for a min?

It looks like my body is going to like this spot for a min. I wish it were back down but for now it is just fine considering how badly I ate over the weekend. I am ram ping up the miles and wanting to reach 5 miles so that I will feel like I can really truly reach a 10K at a speed that is decent and not slow as a tortoise even though the steady one is usually the winner right?

Crazy eats today, nothing as nice and green as this turtle is eating.
Oreos, milk, lasagna with extra meat that I added. 1 orange, chipsncheese, bugle chips, milk again. It was sorta pieces here and there and not really ever a total meal eaten. I ran 2 miles at a 5 pace and had to do it in the house on the treadmill. I wanted to do more but had interruptions and finally was just grateful to get what I got in.

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