My phone has been being stupid for the last month. It will text but not call and it shuts itself off all the time. I went to go get a new phone and found that ATT was buying out Alltell so they were wanting me to wait to replace because the systems on the phone are used differently. Great so now no one can call me and my kids can text but I only get it if I turn the phone on over and over again. Its quiet exhausting, so last evening I bent over to unplug a toilet that had the yucky of yuckiest in it. The boys had not hit the flusher in the betweens of two users. My phone flipped in that yucky water. I screeched grabbed then washed it off and stood there looking at it. C boy says put it in rice over night and it should fix it. Well it did fix enough to be usable for my schedule and Dr. numbers but alas the software is still stupid and turns off constantly. I can't wait to get a new phone this one is driving me crazy.
Breakfast: For sure going to start drinking my 2 liters of water and of course take my 10 drops of HHCG.
Lunch: 10 drops of HHCG 30 min before eating. Then hamburger (which I think is not 100 grams or 3.5 0z because it just seems bigger, problem is it is frozen so I can't reweigh it. Remember I take all my meats and divide the amounts out and then wrapped them in tinfoil and freeze them so that I don't have to think so hard about everything when it comes time to cook.
Dinner: HHCG 10 Drops taken before I start to do the cooking. Precooked frozen grilled chicken of 3.5 oz. dropped into cabbage with a bit of salt garlic salt and onion salt. After it was cooked I broke it up. I also broke 4 melba rounds into the soup. I made a strawberry smoothie with 2 tablespoons of milk and a cup and half of water and the frozen strawberry handful of course. Add 3 packets of stevia and yum yum.
Tomorrow if there is not a significant drop then I know that my beef is above the allotted amount because I should be dropping more then this. Or maybe I should just avoid the beef all together. Fish and chicken seem to work better to help me drop weight faster anyway.
The whole family went bowling, what a blast, slightly humbling to keep being beat by your 7 year old. Z boy thought he was the cats meow, and mouthy C boy sure got put in his place because the Z boy won both times we played. Both times I won over C boy but only by one point some of us just couldn't get the ball straight.
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