Wednesday, October 20, 2010

136.4 Sugar sugar everywhere!

I am feeling a bit sugar drowned. This morning I have a weak feeling every time I have to go up and down the stair case. I get everyone out to school and then look at my need for a healthy breakfast. Omelet with tomatoes, onions, celery, coconut oil and then here comes the struggle. Every meat that I want to use along with my omelet aside from getting a whole steak un-thawed is sugar laden. The can chicken has food starch, the can crab has sugar, the lunch meat turkey has dextrose and modified food starch, the turkey sausage has corn syrup. Needles to say I finally took a bit of ground beef cook it up and then mixed it in my omelet. Why do they have to put sugar or starch in everything. Hubby says its cause it makes it look prettier, seriously I am not sure how that makes cooked chicken look prettier but whatever.

Working on 2 mile run on treadmill and lots of crunches today.
A new blog to pursue on healthy eating. Here's one showing some sugar visuals.

Oh I figured out why I had the weak feeling all morning. The lovely Aunt Flo came to visit. This time there was not a single prep sign except maybe feeling a tad grouchy. None of my usual pre headache, pre arm ache where the blood flow seems to increase the volume level and makes my injured area hurt. It was strange to have no symptoms, kind of like when I was a young girl again. My partner sis said now it seems your symptom free because HCG is getting you straitened out hormonally. I guess that's a good thing as compared to the past misery when she comes that I have had to deal with.
Lunch a big green salad the last of the spinach and lettuce out of my garden today. Along with tiny steaks and some almonds for my dinner.
Have to train tonight about how to take kids on field trips what a eye opener.

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