Wednesday, October 27, 2010

137.2 Can I say metabolism looking good now days!!

I sure hope that this lower instead of higher means that my metabolism is getting its gears back in order again and starting to keep a slow burn instead of always turning off like in my past. The white bread last night didn't get me. The cupcake white with sugar frosting also didn't get me so I am feeling happy but better be careful and wise still. I do not want to mess with the cheats to much yet. I need to get at least one more week in before I add all the danger foods in to the diet.

2.30 mile this morning at a great 4.5 pace feeling stronger and stronger as I work this body out.

What is it about cold weather and comfort food. My kids begged me to please make chili homemade the kind that corn bread slathered with butter goes nice with. I had hope that I would and could resist but alas I could not forgo that comfort food. It was dang cold outside and the body was feeling the need to spread that thin layer of fat that comes from carbs like beans and corn that helps to keep a body warm. At least that's how my C boy explained the workings of nutritious foods like beans, corn,that are mostly starchy turning into sugar once the body breaks it down. I had drank warm water today because of the freezing feeling that was going on under my skins. My kids must be crazy because that's chili two days in a row.

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