Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer busy and having fun.

I am so busy its crazy.
Still sticking  close to my end weight but moving up a few pounds with all the holiday BBQ and reunions and you know not paying attention as well as a person should.

The lovely Aunt also throws a loop or two in there.

Love Coconut oil dropped three pounds after starting taking some of my own home made chocolate treats once a day. Not sure why but who cares it was a good release of the pounds.

The garden is getting there. I have a rabbit that keeps eating all my lettuce so that is not too cool and something is going to have to be done so I can get some for myself.

Keep having and amazing summer. We are counting down the days to when our faraway Africa  boy returns. Yippy can't wait.


  1. Sorry about the lettuce, but my rabbit-morphing capabilities and teleporting skills make your garden an easy target.

  2. If you have garden then it is not fool that you have rabbit. Because in lettuce garden rabbit are dangerous for lettuce production.
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